Employee Managment System
- Tech Stack: C++
- Github URL: Project Link
The given project is an Employee Management System implemented in C++. It allows users to perform various operations related to employee data management, including adding, displaying, searching, updating, and deleting employee records. The system provides a login feature with username and password authentication to ensure data security. The program starts by asking the user to sign up with a new username and password. Once the user signs up, their credentials are stored in memory. After signing up, the user is prompted to log in with the provided credentials. If the login is successful, the user gains access to the main menu.
In the main menu, the user can choose from the following options:
Enter data: This option allows the user to input data for multiple employees, including their name, ID, address, contact, and salary.
Show data: This option displays all the entered employee data on the screen, including their name, ID, address, contact, and salary.
Search data: Users can search for specific employees using their ID. If a match is found, the program displays the employee's information.
Update data: This option allows users to update the data of a specific employee. They can enter a valid employee ID, and if found, the program displays the current data and prompts the user to enter new information.
Delete data: Users have two choices here: delete a specific employee's record or delete all records. For the specific record deletion, users need to provide the employee's ID.
Logout: This option allows the user to log out from their current session and return to the login screen.
Exit: Choosing this option will terminate the program.
The program uses an array of structures (emp) to store employee information. The total variable keeps track of the number of employees entered. The program uses a switch-case statement to handle the user's choices in the main menu.
However, there are a few points to note:
The program uses the